Thursday, February 24, 1977

m's fave reads

jitterbug perfume

still life with woodpecker

kissing in manhattan

a people's history of the united states

anatomy of the spirit

girlfriend in a coma

the time traveler's wife

the once and future king

letters from the earth

the memory keeper's daughter

brave new world

fahrenheit 451

ender's game, etc.

harry potter -- all of them, but especially 3, 5 & 7

truth & beauty

the patron saint of liars

the magician's assistant

anything by jennifer weiner or umberto eco (I'm an equal opportunity reader)

*almost* anything by chuck palahniuk (survivor and lullaby yes. diary most emphatically no.)

the witches and most other stuff by roald dahl

where the wild things are

darkness visible


bridge to terabithia

harriet the spy.