Friday, June 27, 2008

secret life of gringas

My brother and his ladylove are currently living in Santiago, Chile, teaching English and perfecting their Spanish. I'd be jealous if I were not living in my own personal paradise.

My sister-in-law, the aforementioned ladylove, is blogging about her experiences there. Check out her musings on her favorite things about Santiago, tampons, and mayonnaise.


ASD said...

Wow, I´m so honored by the shout-out. What did I do to deserve it??

"Ladylove"--has a nice ring to it. It´s kinda like "baby momma" without the baby, if that makes any sense. Titles are so difficult for those of us in long-term, non-marital relationships, no?

maria said...

I'm just a sucker for redheads. :D

Unknown said...

OMG! I never realised that was Bob's girlfriend's blog! (You never said so M). Very cool.