Wednesday, August 6, 2008

red, red wine

(I took this photo. I cropped out the people.
What remains is the standard Sunday meal
at my house in Grenada, eaten on the verandah
overlooking Westerhall Bay...
accompanied by chilled red wine.)

Put your prejudices aside and really think about it, and you'll have to agree. There are certain circumstances when it's totally appropriate to drink chilled red wine, and being in Grenada is one of them.

Yes, red wine is technically supposed to be served room temperature. But this is a rule invented in climes where only during the dog days of summer does so-called room temperature approximate Grenada's daily average. Under tropical conditions, only the finest of red wines are remotely palatable, and even they suffer. Those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, rest your red wine next to a heater for half an hour and you'll see what I mean.

Why am I even bringing this up? Because I cannot resist telling you that the New York Times agrees with me.


Anonymous said...

Woy! Woy! Gimme ah little wine!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! Wine is like religion - it's personal and only you know how best to swallow it.

ASD said...

Actually, wine folk in general say that red wine should be consumed at *cellar* temperature, which is in the mid 50s F. And the temperature people often drink their red wine at is closer to 70 degrees, which is cringe worthy if you have any respect for wine. Most winos (aka "wine experts") also agree that different red wines are best enjoyed at slightly different temps, some even in the high 40s F. So I definitely have to agree that the supposed sin you commit is really not one at all.

maria said...

Anya and Liz both took Wines!