Thursday, August 14, 2008

spicemas 2k8

Nothing of note to report on Carnival this year. I kept my misbehavior at home.

But check out my jab jab helmet!

Doesn't it kind of look like I'm in a foxhole calling for reinforcements?


You can listen to this year's soca here. I have to agree with YY that this season's selection is not quite so fabulous as it has been in years past. Soca, however, is not unlike sex pizza, in that even the worst isn't all bad.

I get a major kick out of this artist, GG, and her song, Ease Up. She's new, she's a chick, her lyrics are hilarious and the outfit she wore to the Soca Monarch semi-finals was bravely hawt. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

um... you looked at Soca Monarch? I am in awe.

maria said...

I was multi-tasking.

(Last year I WENT.)