Monday, August 4, 2008

bad, bad blogger

(Three random Grenadian kids playing
cricket in the road. My brother took this picture
when he was here for Carnival in 2004.)

I have been a very bad blogger lately. I did prettify the thing a bit, but that hardly excuses. (Though I do hope you like the new header.)

My housekeeper/babysitter/maid/cook fractured her foot and hasn't been able to work. She takes care of my grandmother too, so her injury has a net result of much less free time for me. That sounds bitchy, perhaps, but trust me, she's just fine. I'm ok too. Just really fucking tired. I finally got a good night's sleep last night, for the first time in weeks, and it's a holiday in Grenada today (Emancipation Day, though it was actually Friday, but whatever), and I realized we're now several days into August, and that's just dispicable. So here we are.

Random musing of the day: Grenadians love to eat hot soup for lunch. I have nothing against soup. I like soup. The right soup, I'll even love it. But eating soup at noon in the tropics is madness. And yet they insist on it. What is up with that?


ASD said...

I have the same problem. I'm working on a new post right now, but my blogger friends down here put me to shame. And they all work full time, too, so it leaves me with few excuses.

Hot soup in the tropics at noon is indeed madness. I remember beer floats as being suitable food. :)

this too will pass said...

lovely photo; am reading a recently published novel set in Grenada called "Pynter Bender" by Jacob Ross; it's beautifully written; check it out on Amazon; regards, Charles

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maria said...

I have more photos on this page at my new blog:

Kaya said...

Soup in the Caribbean is staple, cheap and extremely nutritious. Its tradition, from necessity...just, add some hot pepper and have a Limacol-filled kerchief on hand. LOL